How can you knock down a wall made of concrete?

How can you knock down a wall made of concrete?

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to move an object away from you
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to move an object toward you
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powerful, like a big push or pull
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not very powerful, like a small push or pull
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how strong or weak something is
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Image & Video Credits

Mystery Science respects the intellectual property rights of the owners of visual assets. We make every effort to use images and videos under appropriate licenses from the owner or by reaching out to the owner to get explicit permission. If you are the owner of a visual and believe we are using it without permission, please contact us—we will reply promptly and make things right.

hand opening door by Image used under license from jassada watt_
girl pushing imaginary wall by Image used under license from Juriah Mosin
wall by Image used under license from tratong
hammer by Image used under license from magicoven
Berlin by argentum , used under Public Domain
hammer by Image used under license from abdrahimmahfar
woman smashing wall by Nicole Wharton
building exploding by exception722
building demolition gone wrong by JAY MONDO
wrecking ball in action by Jeff Lowe
double wrecking ball by Benjamin Beytekin
baby chicks by Image used under license from dianaduda
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Activity Prep

Print Prep

In this lesson, students change the strength and direction of a wrecking ball’s push in order to solve a tricky problem. The activity, Don't Crush That House, is a game in which students experiment with the force of a paper wrecking ball in order to knock down a wall of cups. The challenge is: they can’t knock down the paper houses!

Preview activity


10 mins

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