How can you knock down the most bowling pins?

How can you knock down the most bowling pins?

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Optional Activity: Human Bumper Bowling

In this game, students work together to knock down the bowling pins. The next slide provides details on how to play.
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# Optional Activity: Human Bumper Bowling

Scroll down for Activity Prep.

  1. Form groups of four to six.
  2. Assign roles. Each group needs one person to be the Roller and one person to be the Catcher. Everyone else is a Bumper. Decide who will take the first turn in each role.
  3. Get supplies. Roller gets a ball. Each Bumper gets a hardcover book. Bumpers use their books to bump the ball when it’s about to roll out of the alley. They also keep the ball moving down the alley so it can knock down the pins.
  4. The goal of Human Bumper Bowling is to knock down the pins with lots of bumps along the way.
  5. Let each Roller have two turns, then move in a circle to switch roles so everyone gets a turn as Roller.
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to move an object away from you
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powerful, like a big push or pull
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not very powerful, like a small push or pull
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how strong or weak something is
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the path an object takes as it moves
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In this Read-Along lesson, Daniel worries he won’t do well at a friend’s Bumper Bowling party…until he figures out an unexpected way to win. The lesson includes a short exercise where students act out bowling. If you want to extend the lesson, you can try this optional activity, Human Bumper Bowling, where students make a model bumper bowling alley and work together to knock down pins.
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