How could you invent a trap?

How could you invent a trap?

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# Optional Activity: Be an Inventor
  1. An inventor is someone who comes up with ways to solve problems or make tasks easier. Check out the mini-lesson "How do you become a great inventor?" to learn more about inventions and inventors.

  2. A woman named Josephine Cochran invented the dishwasher so that people could clean their dishes more easily. Discuss: Do you have a chore that a machine could help you do?

  3. Choose a chore you want a machine to help you with. Then act it out — pretend to do the chore.

  4. Think about how a machine could help with your chore. Draw a picture of your machine.

  5. When your picture is done, find a partner. Tell your partner what your invention does and how it works.

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to move an object toward you
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In this Read-Along lesson, twins Mimi and Lulu try different ways to catch a mysterious nighttime visitor…until they hit on just the right solution. The lesson includes a short exercise where students imagine how to design a good monster trap, and then pretend to be sneaky monsters. You can extend the lesson with the optional activity, Be an Inventor, where students draw their own inventions for machines that do chores.
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