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How can you unlock a door using a magnet?
Invisible Forces Unit | Lesson 5 of 5

How can you unlock a door using a magnet?

Invisible Forces Unit | Lesson 5 of 5
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Can you think of any other properties of magnets that might be useful?

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What property of magnets makes them useful for making trains hover?

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How could we use this property of magnets (pushing and pulling at a distance) to create something useful? Do you have any ideas?

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to pull toward
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to push away, such as when two magnets with the same poles face each other
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an object that can attract or repel certain materials, often metals
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something you can observe about an object or material
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to make a plan for creating or doing something
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a person who uses science to come up with solutions to problems
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to pay close attention to something
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a pretend version of something that scientists use when the real thing is too big, small, or complicated to work with
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Image & Video Credits

Mystery Science respects the intellectual property rights of the owners of visual assets. We make every effort to use images and videos under appropriate licenses from the owner or by reaching out to the owner to get explicit permission. If you are the owner of a visual and believe we are using it without permission, please contact us—we will reply promptly and make things right.

Various Beetle Videos and Images by Joseph D.M. White
Lesson narration:

Grade 3

Forces, Motion, & Magnets

Magnets & Engineering

3-PS2-4, 3-5-ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2

Activity Prep

Print Prep

In this lesson, students investigate magnetic attraction and repulsion. In the activity, Invent a Magnetic Lock, students apply their scientific ideas about magnets to create a useful product: a magnetic lock that can open a paper door. Students engage in the engineering design process to test and improve their designs.

Preview activity


17 mins


3 mins

Grade 3

Forces, Motion, & Magnets

Magnets & Engineering

3-PS2-4, 3-5-ETS1-1, 3-5-ETS1-2

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