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¿Por qué picotean la madera los pájaros carpinteros?
Animal Secrets Unit | Lesson 1 of 4

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¿Por qué picotean la madera los pájaros carpinteros?

Animal Secrets Unit | Lesson 1 of 4
Lesson narration:
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CONVERSEMOS: ¿Qué está haciendo la codorniz? ¿Por qué crees que hace eso?
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Digamos la palabra codorniz juntos. Repite conmigo.
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Pongámonos de pie y seamos codornices.
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Una codorniz es un pájaro, así que no tienes manos. Tienes alas. Bate
tus alas, así.
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Si eres una codorniz, tus patas tienen garras para excavar en la
tierra. Excava con tus pies.
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Cuando eres una codorniz, tu boca es un pico, ideal para picotear.
Intenta picotear.
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Tus pies también son buenos para correr. Las codornices corren más
de lo que vuelan. Intenta correr en tu lugar.
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Ahora, hazlo todo junto para ser una codorniz. Haz lo que hace Pat.
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Tomemos asiento y veamos qué otros animales podemos encontrar
en el bosque. Mira el siguiente video.
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CONVERSEMOS: ¿Qué están haciendo los mapaches?
¿Por qué crees que lo están haciendo?
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Ponte de pie y prepárate para ser un mapache.
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Imagínate que estás en un estanque. Camina en el agua como un
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Los mapaches tienen patas que se parecen a tus manos. Usa tus
patas de mapache para desenterrar y amasar el lodo.
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Ahora brincarás y salpicarás como un mapache. Dobla las rodillas.
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Ahora, hazlo todo junto para ser un mapache. Haz lo que hace Pat.
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Tomemos asiento y veamos qué otros animales podemos encontrar
en el bosque. Mira el siguiente video.
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CONVERSEMOS: ¿Qué está haciendo el pájaro carpintero?
¿Por qué crees que hace eso?
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Ponte de pie y prepárate para ser un pájaro carpintero.
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Haz un pico con tus manos, como el de un pájaro carpintero. Luego,
practica picotear y ver alrededor.
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Ahora estás listo o lista para ser un pájaro carpintero. Haz un pico, y
haz lo que hace Pat.
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Tomemos asiento y conversemos sobre lo que acabamos de ver. ¿Qué
encontró este pájaro carpintero en la madera?
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CONVERSEMOS: ¿Qué tiene en común lo que están haciendo?
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un ser viviente que tiene que comerse a otros seres vivos para sobrevivir
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la parte del cuerpo que un pájaro utiliza para comer
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la parte del cuerpo que los animales usan para volar
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un lugar lleno de árboles
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la marca de un pie o una pata que queda en el suelo
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algo que comen los animales
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las cosas que un animal o una planta necesita para poder vivir
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mantenerse vivo/a
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lo que hace un animal
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algo que no es igual
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algo parecido
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algo que sucede una y otra y otra vez de manera predecible
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Image & Video Credits

Mystery Science respects the intellectual property rights of the owners of visual assets. We make every effort to use images and videos under appropriate licenses from the owner or by reaching out to the owner to get explicit permission. If you are the owner of a visual and believe we are using it without permission, please contact us—we will reply promptly and make things right.

portrait of boy by Hogan Imaging
quail head by Nico Giuliani
video of quail scratching for seeds by Don Desjardin
video walking through forest by Zenvision TV
woodpecker on tree branch by Image used under license from Mircea C
baby raccoon head on top of Pat's body by Image used under license from Seregraff
raccoon by pool of water by Image used under license from eddtoro
treehouse by Image used under license from AfriramPOE
video walking through forest by Zenvision TV
hand by Image used under license from aloneman13d
quail head by Nico Giuliani
video of quail scratching for seeds by Don Desjardin
video of woodpecker pecking wood and demonstration by Benjamin Slade
video walking through forest by Zenvision TV
video walking through forest by Zenvision TV
boy standing (1) by Hogan Imaging
boy standing (2) by Sergey Novikov
close-up video of quail in wilderness by Phooj Vaj
girl standing by Sergey Novikov
raccoon walking in pool of water and staff demonstration by darlaz2b
seeds in palm of hand by Jcomeau ictx
video of woodpecker pecking wood and demonstration by Benjamin Slade
quail scratching for seeds by Don Desjardin
video of foraging raccoons and staff demonstration by Mossy Oak
video of quail flapping wings and Pat demonstrating by Texas Parks and Wildlife
video of quail scratching for seeds by Don Desjardin
video of woodpecker pecking wood and demonstration by Benjamin Slade
video of foraging raccoons and staff demonstration by Mossy Oak
video of quail scratching for seeds and Pat demonstrating by Don Desjardin
video close-up of foraging raccoons by Mossy Oak
video of foraging raccoons and staff demonstration by Mossy Oak
video of quail pecking for seeds and Pat demonstrating by Barbara Weaver
baby raccoon by Sonsedska Yuliia
pond snails in palm of hand by Water Garden Plants
video of quail sprinting and Pat demonstrating by Texas Parks and Wildlife
California quial by Image used under license from cynoclub
video of woodpecker pecking wood by Benjamin Slade
video of woodpecker pecking wood by Benjamin Slade
wood-boring insects by Charlotte Simmonds
video of woodpecker pecking wood by Benjamin Slade
squirrel eating acorn by Image used under license from Mircea C
squirrel eating acorn by Image used under license from Mircea C
squirrel eating acorn by Image used under license from Mircea C
squirrel eating acorn by Image used under license from Mircea C
Lesson narration:

Grade K

Animal Needs

Animal Needs: Food


Activity Prep

Print Prep

In this lesson, students observe animal behaviors and work to discover a pattern: all animals seek food in order to survive. The activity, Eat Like an Animal, includes physical movement in which students act out animal behaviors, pretending to be quail scratching in the dirt, raccoons wading in the water, and woodpeckers pecking a log.

Preview activity