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Olga Kostina had a plain wooden house. She decided to decorate it
herself—using something that other people just throw away. Do you
have any idea what she used?
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Did you notice that the patterns are made of brightly colored spots?
Each spot is a colorful plastic bottle cap! Olga used over 30,000
bottle caps to decorate her house.
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Up close, this looks like just a bunch of bottle caps—7,000 bottle
caps, in fact. But watch what this artist makes. When you stand back,
your eye blends the colors together to make a picture!
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Plastic melts when it’s heated! You can squish that warm goo into any
shape. When it cools, it hardens. Think like an inventor. What is
something useful you could make from plastic goo?
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People have melted plastic trash and transformed it into furniture,
into the shapes of bowls, plates, skateboards, and more! You can still
see round spots on the skateboard from melted bottle caps!
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Using a tool that blows out hot air, this African artist melts colorful
plastic bags. He melts them onto a board and it looks like paint!
Rather than being trash in a dump, the plastic bags become art!
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Most beaches are made of sand and pebbles. This beach has sand,
pebbles, and colorful bits that sparkle in the sun. What do you think
those bits are made of? Where did they come from?
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Years ago, glass factories dumped thousands of broken bottles on
this beach. The glass pieces became rounder as they tumbled in
waves. But there are other ways to turn beach trash into treasure...
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Some artists collect plastic trash from beaches. With this trash,
they create amazing sculptures. Taking plastic litter off the beach
protects sea animals that can be harmed by it.
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What’s better than turning ocean trash into a boat? A community in
Kenya, Africa, gathered hundreds of plastic sandals left on beaches.
They melted that plastic and shaped it into a boat!
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This man is searching the dump for stuff to use in a special project.
Watch what he’s doing. What do you think his project could be?
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These bands, called Junketra and the Taz Junk Band, make music with
instruments made of junk! Think like an inventor! What could you use
from the trash to make a musical instrument?
instruments made of junk! Think like an inventor! What could you use
from the trash to make a musical instrument?
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You could play a tune on glass bottles from the trash. Put water in
the bottles to change the notes that they play. Make cardboard box
drums, plastic bag noises, and more! Use your imagination!
the bottles to change the notes that they play. Make cardboard box
drums, plastic bag noises, and more! Use your imagination!
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Plastic bags are one of the worst kinds of litter. Animals eat them and
get sick. The wind blows them everywhere. What a mess! Do you have
any ideas on how to fix this problem?
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Isatou Ceesay had an idea. She made string from plastic bags, then
made purses with the string! The women in her town in The Gambia,
Africa, make purses to sell. No one throws plastic bags away now!
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Here are more useful things made of plastic bags! Imagine how the
artists made each one.
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Think about all the ways people have made use of garbage. Now try
to make something from trash from your home. You can make
something new—and help the Earth by throwing less away.
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We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How do squirrels remember where they hide acorns?
-Audrey, 4th Grade
Why do some animals only come out at night?
-Ryan, Kindergarten
Why do you get sleepy after a big meal?
-Braelynn, 1st Grade
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Why do flies just appear in the trash?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!