We suggest students work in pairs. Homeschool students can work alone.
Figure Out Which Direction Weather is Coming From
The wind blows the clouds around. To see what clouds (and possible storms) are coming your way, you need to look into the wind.

On this world map, arrows show which way the prevailing winds blow in different parts of the world. In the continental United States, winds blow from west to east — so we look to the West to see the weather that’s coming our way. Which way does the wind blow where you live?
Label the Cardinal Directions
Once you know which direction you want to look, use a compass, a compass app on a smartphone, or Google maps to figure out the cardinal directions. Label your classroom walls North, East, South, and West. Find a landmark that will help your students remember which way to look. (Here in San Francisco, we look toward the ocean, which is to our west.)