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Check out these giant blocks of ice. Use your imagination.
What could you build with hundreds or thousands of them?
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This is the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival in
China. Everything is made of ice and lit up by colored lights.
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What do you think these colorful objects are? How do you
think that people made them?
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Someone filled water balloons with colored water and then
left them outside to freeze! Try this out sometime!
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Someone went to open their front door one day and
this is what it looked like. What do you think happened?
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The wind had blown enough snow to trap this man
in his house! He had to use a shovel to get out.
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If you go outside on a very cold day, your hair won't freeze
like this. How did these people get their hair to freeze?
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First, they had to get their hair wet! They did this for fun
when it was colder than 0°F (-18°C). (Don’t try this!)
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It even works on eyelashes!
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This fragile, frozen sphere is hollow inside–it’s full of air.
How do you think someone made it?
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Someone blew a bubble with a straw! Watch as beautiful
ice crystals form as the bubble freezes.
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We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How are baseballs made?
-Charles, 4th Grade
How do worms see?
-Evan, 1st Grade
How many types of flowers are there?
-Mikayla, 3rd Grade
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Why do icebergs float?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!