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Check out this opossum. It’s walking around and then suddenly…it
freezes. What’s going on? Why would the opossum want to stop
freezes. What’s going on? Why would the opossum want to stop
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It’s “playing dead” to protect itself! Sometimes it gives off an icky
smell too. It will run away when it feels safe. Other animals—like some
ducks, snakes, frogs, and fish—play dead too!
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This bug’s back is covered in a pile of little things. What do you think
those things are? Hint: This bug is a predator, which means it hunts
other animals like beetles and ants.
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Some assassin bugs pile dead ants on themselves—the leftovers
from its meals! This helps them hide.
from its meals! This helps them hide.
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These two have something very surprising in common. They are both
about to lose part of their body! What do you think that each is
about to lose? (Hint: you’ve probably lost one of them!)
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The girl loses a tooth. Watch this to see what the deer loses! The girl
will grow a new tooth. Do you think the deer will grow back what it
has lost?
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Yes, the deer’s antlers will grow back! Kids grow new teeth just once,
but male deer lose their antlers and grow them back every year.
Every time the antlers grow back, they’re bigger.
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This person doesn’t have a head! Wait, no. The person is carrying a
living head in a jar! Ok, obviously this is just a costume. But what
about in real life... Could a head ever be alive without a body?
living head in a jar! Ok, obviously this is just a costume. But what
about in real life... Could a head ever be alive without a body?
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This sea slug’s head pulled itself off of its body. Now the head is
crawling around on its own! Why would an animal’s head want to get
rid of its body? How could that help the animal?
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Think about a dog getting fleas. The fleas bite the dog and hurt it!
This sea slug also gets pests that can hurt it. So its head ditches its
body. And then the head will grow a NEW body—without pests!
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Starfish, also known as sea stars, crawl around on the ocean floor.
Most have five or six arms that are about the same size. Take a look
at this small sea star. Why does it have one giant arm? Any ideas?
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That giant arm used to be ON a big starfish! Sometimes starfish lose
their arms. The cool thing is, the starfish will grow its arm back!
But what do you think will happen to the big arm that it lost?
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The arm grows a new body! Now there are two sea stars when there
used to be only one! Instead of having babies to make more sea stars,
some sea stars make “babies” using their arms like this!
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We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How many extinct animals are there?
-Xion, 3rd Grade
How big can a tree grow?
-Matthew, 4th Grade
Can all birds fly?
-Eliana, 2nd Grade
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How do lizards regrow their tails?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!