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Suppose you wanted to break this rock in two—and you weren’t in a
rush. Instead of using tools to break it open, can you think of a way
that a plant could help you do it?
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Drop a seed into a crack. Wait for a tree to sprout. Then wait
another 20 years. As the tree grows, its roots will break the rock!
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Tree roots don’t just break boulders. Seeds can sprout between
stone blocks in buildings too. Check out these ancient—and
modern—buildings! I wonder what they’ll look like in 100 years!
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This brick sidewalk has an opening for a tree to grow in. What do you
think the tree will look like as it gets older?
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Roots can grow into any crack. Over time, the cracks shape the way
the roots grow.
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This isn’t a purple house. It’s a house covered in purple flowers from
flowering vines! How long do you think it takes vines to grow?
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In just over a month, vines covered this little house. Why do you think
the vines climbed on the house? Are they searching for something?
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Other plants, like trees, grow tall so that their leaves are closer to
the sunlight. Vines need light too! So they get tall by climbing up
trees and buildings!
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Trees may not seem like they are unstoppable. After all, you can
just cut them down. But what happens to the stump after you
cut down a tree?
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Sometimes, trees grow back! A tree’s roots may have enough food to
create a new sprout, like these. Even when a tree falls over...
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...it can grow back! These fallen trees have roots in the ground. Their
branches have grown straight up, each trying to become a tree.
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Someone thought it was a good idea to nail this sign to a tree. What
do you think? Do you have any idea what might happen?
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Check it out! Trees are unstoppable! If something gets in a tree’s way,
the tree might just grow around it! Weird! But that’s not all...
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Some people add googly eyes to make trees look like they are
munching on the things that got in their way. Yum!
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Voting for this episode is now closed. Would you like to vote on the most recent poll?
We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How fast can the wind blow?
-Aiden, 1st Grade
How long does it take an acorn to become an oak tree?
-Ted, 3rd Grade
Are new sports still being invented?
-Jennine, 3rd Grade
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Do any plants eat animals?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!