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Some parts of the world have floods. Schools can get full of water.
Think like an inventor. What could you build to help these schools?
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When it floods in Bangladesh, boats act like school buses, picking
up students! In fact, students have school ON the boats too!
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Some boat-schools even have playgrounds! Bangladesh wants to
build more boat-schools since it floods there every year.
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Many kids in Indiana and Ohio live on farms. Some take buses to
school. But once a year they get to school in a different way. How?
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Some high schools have “Drive Your Tractor to School Day” to
celebrate local farmers and their families.
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Some high school students in Nova Scotia, Canada, even ride
tractors to prom, their school dance!
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At this school in northern Michigan (USA), students put helmets in
their cubbies. How do you think these kids get to school?
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They take snowmobiles to school! This part of Michigan gets
three times more snow than the average US city!
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In gym class, students sometimes put on skis to learn how to
safely get around in the snow!
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Some people live in valleys like this one, between two tall cliffs.
Think like an inventor. How could you help students get to school?
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In this valley in China, students climb 17 ladders to get to school.
The ladders stretch up a cliff higher than the USA’s tallest building.
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Imagine that you live on one side of a valley, and your school is on
the other side. How many ways can you think of to get to school?
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In some villages in Nepal, kids used wires to cross over valleys
and rivers on their way to school! Now most villages have bridges.
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Some kids in Colombia, South America, use “ziplines” to get to
school! It looks fun but scary.
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Voting for this episode is now closed. Would you like to vote on the most recent poll?
We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How fast can the wind blow?
-Aiden, 1st Grade
How long does it take an acorn to become an oak tree?
-Ted, 3rd Grade
Are new sports still being invented?
-Jennine, 3rd Grade
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Why were traffic lights invented?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!