We suggest students work in pairs.
Make Sure You Have Space
We suggest doing this activity on the floor. If Bumper Jumper is played on a table the marbles may roll far away if they fall off the table.
We suggest building the Bumper Jumper apparatus where it will be used. Moving the apparatus can affect the connections and how marbles travel. If the Bumper Jumper must be moved after assembly, do so carefully.
Plan Your Time
This entire lesson with the activity will likely take more than an hour. There are two natural stopping points during the activity — the first one when students finish building their Bumper Jumper apparatus (after step 11) and a second one after they complete their first set of experiments (after step 22). If you are pressed for time or have a short class period, we recommend splitting this lesson into shorter sessions that might work better for you.
Marble Must-Haves
We strongly recommend using “regular” size marbles (14 mm).
IMPORTANT: All marbles used by a group must be the same size/weight. If two different size/weight marbles are used, the results of the Bumper Jumper game will be significantly altered.
Prep Your Materials
Count out 5 full-length label stickers for each pair of students. Then cut the rest of the label stickers in half. Each pair of students will need 5 half-length label stickers. If label stickers aren’t sticking well enough, Scotch tape can be used instead.
Take half of the Dixie cups and place 4 marbles into each one. Distribute these during Step 12 of the activity.
Cut or tear aluminum foil into a small (about 5" x 3") piece. Distribute one piece to each pair of students in Step 23 of the activity.