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Do you think this is real money? It is! Every country decides
how they want their money to look and what to put on it!
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Imagine you got to design money! What’s something or
someone important to your country that you could show?
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The U.S. is designing a new $20 bill. Harriet Tubman will
be one of the first women to ever appear on U.S. money!
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Most pennies are worth 1 cent, but this one is special and
is worth $2,000! Look closely. What do you notice?
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The people who made this coin made a mistake! They
stamped the letters and numbers on the coin twice...
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Not many of these pennies exist, but if you find one
in your coins, you could make a lot of money!
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The coins in most countries are shaped like circles. What
shape would you make coins?
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Look at all these different shaped coins from countries
around the world!
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Money is not the only thing that is valuable. These rocks
are worth a lot of money. What do you think they are?
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After the gemstones are cut and polished, they
can become diamond, ruby, and emerald rings!
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People put pearls in jewelry too. But pearls aren’t
found in rocks. Do you know where pearls come from?
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Pearls are found underwater—inside oysters and clams!
Here’s a person opening one up so you can see!
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We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How fast can the wind blow?
-Aiden, 1st Grade
How long does it take an acorn to become an oak tree?
-Ted, 3rd Grade
Are new sports still being invented?
-Jennine, 3rd Grade
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How is money made?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!