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This scuba diver is getting a close-up view of sharks from a
shark-proof cage. (At least the diver hopes it’s shark-proof!) Think
like an inventor. How could you build a safer way to watch sharks?
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This aquarium found a way to let people stroll among the sharks and
fishes. In this clear tunnel, you can go underwater and never get wet!
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Or check this out: you could make an underwater bedroom in an
aquarium! Scientists use this bedroom to study how sharks sleep.
(Sharks never stop swimming—so it’s a fun mystery to study!)
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Suppose you want to spend the afternoon watching fish at the
bottom of the sea—but you also want to eat lunch. Be creative.
Can you think of a way to do both at the same time?
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Here’s one answer! This restaurant is at the bottom of a tropical
lagoon! You never know what’s going to swim by your table!
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Here are two pictures of the same bridge in Brazil, taken on different
days. Compare the pictures. What do you notice? What’s different?
Do you have any ideas about what happened here?
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This bridge is in a rainforest where it rains a lot! Usually, the bridge
goes over a river. But in February 2018, it rained so much that the
river flooded. Eventually, the bridge was ten feet underwater!
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This scuba diver just tossed a big rectangular thing in the water. It’s
something the diver will use while underwater. What do you think it
is? Take a guess.
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Hint: Some artists paint the ocean while standing on the shore. Some
even paint while standing in the water. Does this give you any ideas
about what the scuba diver might do?
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The scuba diver was planning to paint a picture underwater using
special paints on a white canvas! Some artists do this to inspire
people to protect the animals and plants that live underwater.
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This boat is sinking! It’s not an accident—people made the boat sink
on purpose. In fact, scuba divers and fishermen are happy it’s sinking.
Why are they happy? Why would people sink a ship?
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Plants and coral grow on sunken ships. That makes shipwrecks great
places for fish to live. In warm waters, scuba divers love the colorful
fish. In cooler waters, fishermen catch fish like bass!
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Scuba divers and fish also love the Underwater Museum. Artists
put sculptures on the ocean floor. They’re becoming a spooky
underwater garden, overgrown with seaweed and coral.
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We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?
How do squirrels remember where they hide acorns?
-Audrey, 4th Grade
Why do some animals only come out at night?
-Ryan, Kindergarten
Why do you get sleepy after a big meal?
-Braelynn, 1st Grade
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What's at the bottom of the ocean?
Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!